Voice Your Worth: Empowering Yourself to Achieve Career Success

Oct 17, 2023

Finding Your Career Voice: How Speaking Up Can Transform Your Professional Life

It's 2023, and I can't help but reflect on a recurring theme that continues to resonate with many of us: the struggle to advocate for ourselves in our careers.

It's a tale as old as time, yet it's astonishing how often we find ourselves hearing stories of dedicated professionals falling short of their well-deserved promotions or missing out on those coveted pay raises and incentives simply because they didn't speak up.

Recently, I had a heart-to-heart with my best friend, someone who's truly exceptional at what she does in the field of operations. She had taken a leap of faith by switching jobs about eight months ago, but for a considerable period, she had been second-guessing her decision.

But her new employer wasn't quite acknowledging the wealth of skills and value she brought to the table.

After some time, the company finally decided to transition her into a new role, which aligned better with her strengths and interests. It was an exciting prospect, but here's the catch: this new role came with added responsibilities, and there was absolutely no mention of a pay increase or any type of incentive from her employer.

Frustrated and uncertain, she turned to me for advice.

I told her one thing that I firmly believe in: she needed to speak directly to her boss.

She had to do it confidently, with unwavering self-belief, and articulate exactly what she wanted concerning her new role and remuneration.

At first, she hesitated, hoping that her employer would recognize her worth without her having to spell it out.

However, as is often the case, that didn't happen.

It took an emotional breakdown in her boss's office, where she shed tears of frustration and disappointment, for him to finally sit up and take notice of her concerns. It was a wake-up call for him, realizing he might lose an exceptional employee.

Fast forward four months, and my friend is thriving in her new role.

Not only did she secure the pay increase she deserved, but she also got a company car and a fresh set of challenges that invigorated her career. She's genuinely happy now.

The takeaway from this story?

It doesn't have to come to the point where you're at your wit's end or shedding tears in your boss's office.

Sometimes, all it takes is finding your own career voice, seizing ownership, and confidently speaking up about what you want. It's about taking the initiative to chase after that promotion or the next step in your career yourself.

So, if you've ever found yourself hesitating to advocate for your career aspirations, remember my friend's journey. Don't wait for things to magically fall into place.

Be proactive, take that step, and make your voice heard.

Your career is in your hands.

If you're seeking additional support and a confidence boost to speak up about your own career, don't hesitate to reach out today. Let's explore how we can assist you in navigating your career journey and achieving the success you deserve.

After all, your voice matters, and it's time to let it shine.


To your continued success!


Kylie Wall
Recruiter and Career Coach



If you're ready to find your dream job, here are 3 ways we can help :

 1. A great cover letter and stand-out resume could be the difference from your application being seen! As an expert recruiter, Kylie knows the important information to include to meet selection criteria and get you to interviews. Get your cover letter and resume written by an expert!

3. Want a LinkedIn expert to optimise your profile for you AND set you up with your first connections? It's time to get recruiters and firms to be contacting YOU. Book in your profile update. 

5. Engage Kylie as your personal career coach and expert mentor through the 4-week Uplifting Career Coaching Experience



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